What is a 'PLY'?
Let's talk about 'ply'.
PLY is the number of threads twined together to make a single piece of cashmere yarn.
You will commonly see references to 2-ply, 3-ply, 4-ply and 8-ply. Modern day references to Ply is different from 20 years ago. Let us explain.
2-ply 20 years ago = 4-ply today (2 x 2 threads twined together) Lighter Weight, normally gloves and summer sweaters, socks etc
3-ply, 20 years ago = 6-ply today (3 x 2 threads twined together) Middle Weight, normally gloves and slightly heavier weight garments
4-ply, 20 years ago = 8-ply today (4 x 2 threads twined together). Heavier Weight, normally mens classic jumpers, hats, scarves etc
Of course there are other factors to the weight of the cashmere like the gauge etc that is it knitted on, but this is a rough indication of what ply means.